Friday, 16 May 2014

Chalkboard Art

Take a look at this! Some fabulous artwork here and by 2 students sneaking into a class room! Incredible. The problem I'd have with creating this, is that I wouldn't want to rub it away.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The Final Day

Perhaps I shouldn't be thinking this but I can't help it, as far as I'm concerned I've finished uni! I know that technically that's not true because I still have my degree show to worry about, plus graduation, but I feel as though it's over. I cannot believe where the three years have gone and certainly if someone had told me I'd be where I am now, I wouldn't believe them! I can't wait for the degree show and I can't wait for graduation. It's been great to do the last 3 years but I'm ready to move on and for what will come next!

Hand in time! Everyone's physical work for the deadline. Being selective after months of work is difficult!

Thursday, 8 May 2014


This is the presentation I submitted for my deadline. What do you guys think? It's difficult doing months of work when you have to cut it down to a few pages. All the hours and hours or drawing and work aren't there, we have to be selective! But it's an important process to get used to I guess - I try to treat it as though I was submitting a more detailed portfolio.