We had a talk this morning by Luke Best who I have to say and many would agree with me is a fantastic illustrator. He gave us a (probably) very brief talk which just touched on his work.
To me he was a very interesting character because he didn't particularly like things which became neat which I think personally I can't always do myself. However, that didn't stop his images from being amazing. Along the way he also managed out his style of work onto many things. he is part of a collective called 'Peep Show', he has created comic books and also turned his work into wood cuts and textiles although mainly he creates editorials.
I have here some of the work which he presented us with today, many which were inspired by some unusual things and recent events. I love that he's not afraid of something which is slightly ugly and crooked and how he depicts his work. It was very inspirational to listen to someone who has quietly always stood by their style of work.
Here is some work he created for 'The Beautiful South' These were pieces which he had already created and they wanted to use but he even said that he doesn't like to re-use work, so he re-created these images for them.