Monday 4 November 2013

Imperial War Museum

I visited the Imperial War Museum over the weekend just for a bit of fun really but then of course we hit a section on World War 2 and it got me thinking. I suddenly thought about the style of dance during this time, the clothes worn and the fun people had while they could and it seemed relevant to include here. This is when swing was born, it was fun, lively and energetic - honestly, I can't think of anything better!

Moving back in time a little bit I've also included some videos here of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers playing Vernon and Irene Castle and one of Vernon and Irene themselves, two dancers known very well in WW1 for their 'Castle Walk'. I studied the film and style of dance a little bit a few years ago and again thought I could include this totally different class and elegant style of dancing.

The quality on this video isn't the best but I only wanted the dance and unfortunately this was the only video I could find.
Vernon and Irene themselves!

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